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Re:GTA Halo Mapping Thread Straight Link
August 23, 2011 22:35:39      Posted in : GTA Halo Mapping Thread #120
Joined On : Aug 18, 2011
Total Posts : 2

Yeah I understand, so far all of the mods have been great! It's cool to have a gang of Halo Grunts running around hitting cars and shooting at me, it cracks me up. My cops are all Elites and my Swats are Hunters. I appreciate yours and LordNitis mods. Oh yeah I've only name LordNiti's... I love driving the Monsterhog, Banshee, Pelican Dropship, BruteChopper...I think you get the point!

Re:GTA Halo Mapping Thread Straight Link
August 18, 2011 02:15:40      Posted in : GTA Halo Mapping Thread #118
Joined On : Aug 18, 2011
Total Posts : 2

Thanks Guys this mod is great! How far along are yall from the final release?With all the maps and stuff?

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