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We're moved to new server
by xmen | November 04, 2011 17:35:53
Today, we successfully moved to new server. Hope you will enjoy the new speed and less downtimes

PS : New video tutorial was added. Linky Link
A hidden glitch found and fixed
by xmen | September 02, 2010 02:54:45
After a quick site upgrade for better performance, a glitch was found about the not-logged users. They were experiencing an error page. The issue was fixed as soon as it was found and I hope you will enjoy the site again.
Finally! X GXT Editor has been Released
by xmen | February 21, 2010 17:54:36

Well, In the past few weeks I started working on a .Net GXT library. The reason for the library was so that it could provide GXT modification support in X Mod Installer (XMI). The initial phases of developement were going well and progressing at a steady pace but towards the end it was starting to become an enormous stress. Later on, after a break and everything going good. I received a lot of requests regarding a GTA IV GXT Editor. Since there is nothing available to modify GXTs of GTA IV, I thought to develop it and I delayed the next juicy version of XMI.

Now, the time has came to notify users by publishing this news as well as a Download link. Hope you will all like it.

Enjoy !!

Silverlight Media Player Prototype Goes Triumphant
by xmen | December 03, 2009 01:43:13
Finally, the new media player seems to be working perfectly. As it was only a prototype, it'll still require some more marvellous pieces to be added. I've updated the Requirements page as well as a new video manager is under development. I can reassure you that you will definitely be seeing more interesting stuff and widgets wrapped around the site. So be ready to experience the unexpected.

PS. All files are up, we’re heavy again.

We're augmenting yet again
by xmen | November 03, 2009 11:50:14
I have had many busy days but I managed to work on this website to make it better and faster. I have a big smile on my face when say "I've upgraded the site again". Here are a few changes as far as I remember
  • Better way of Preview (Topic, Mail, Comment, TAG)
  • Added Mail Box
  • Advanced Server to Server file transfer
  • Tuned Up the site speed
  • Improved File manager (Added Sort option, Refresh directory option, Size and Created Date columns)
  • Improved File editor
  • Improved TAG editor
  • Improved File Group editor
  • Improved Forum Viewer, uses Callback
  • Removed HTML editors bugs
  • Fixed some minor bugs

Additionally, I have re-uploaded almost 89% files. I hope rest will be done soon.
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